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2007-10-17 00:00:00   作者:   來源:   評論:0 點擊:


  [1]ISO/IEC13335.Information technology—Guidelines for the management of IT security[S]. 2004.

  [2]ETSITS187 001. Telecommunications and Internet converged services and protocols for advanced networking (TISPAN); NGN SECurity (SEC); Requirements[S].

  [3]ETSITR187 002. Telecommunications and Internet converged services and protocols for advanced networking (TISPAN); TISPAN NGN security (NGN_SEC); Threat and risk analysis[S].

  [4]ITU-TTD322(WP2/13). Draft Y.NGN certificate management[S].

  [5]ITU-TTD312(WP2/13). Proposed texts for draft Y.IdMsec (NGN identity management security)[S].

  [6]ITU-TTDTD 199 (WP 2/13). Draft Recommendation Y.2012 (formally Y.NGN-FRA) [Draft Version 0.8][S].

  [7]ETSIES282 003. Telecommunications and Internet converged services and protocols for advanced networking (TISPAN); Resource and admission control sub system (RACS); Functional architecture[S].

  [8]ITU-TX.805.Security architecture for systems providing end to end communications[S].

  [9]ITU-TTD256 (PLEN). Output of draft recommendation Y.2701 (Security requirements for NGN Release 1)[S].

  [10]ETSIES202 238. Telecommunications and Internet protocol harmonization over networks (TIPHON); Evaluation criteria for cryptographic algorithms (NGN Release 1) for decision [S].

  [11]ETSIES282 001. Telecommunications and Internet converged services and protocols for advanced networking (TISPAN); NGN functional architecture release 1 [S].

  [12]ETSIES282 004. Telecommunications and Internet converged services and protocols for advanced networking (TISPAN); NGN functional architecture; Network attachment sub system (NASS)[S].

  [13]ETSITS133 210. Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS); 3G security; Network domain security (NDS); IP network layer security (3GPP TS 33.210)[S].

  [14]ETSITS133 222. Universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS); Generic authentication architecture (GAA); Access to network application functions using hypertext transfer protocol over transport layer security (HTTPS) (3GPP TS 33.222)[S].

  [15]ITU-TTD328(WP2/13). Draft recommendation Y.secMechanisms (NGN security mechanisms and procedures) [S].

  [16]ITU-TTD323(WP2/13). Output Draft Y.NGN Authentication[S].

  [17]ITU-TTD324(WP2/13). The Second Version of Y.NGN AAA [S].





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