Table of Contents
1 Intr oducti on 3
2 Minimizi ng hard ware requirements 3
Multiple se rv er vssingle serv er in stallation 3
IP tele phones vssoft phones 4
3 Steamlining in te gr at ions 5
St ar t with an inte grat ed solution 5
Use open st andards to ex pand the solution 6
Includ e unified communic ations in the integrated solution 6
4 Design for bu siness continui ty rath er than disa st er recovery 7
Elimin ate single poin ts of fa ilure 7
Use tried and tr ue hardware red undan cy .9
5 Help contact ce nt er ma nager reduce cost s and agen t tu rn over 10
Use at -hom e ag ents 10
Si mpli fy Mo bility 11
6 C onclusion: re duce co mplexity 12
Figure 1 Cost co mparison be tween ha rdphon e and so ft phones .4
Figure 2 Distribute d co ntac t ce nt er 8
Figure 3 Business co nt inui ty with at -h ome agents 10